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"TSRI Wins Major Cable Communications Software Modernization Project"

Kirkland, WA. (June 16, 2009) – A major Canadian cable telecommunication company has awarded a contract to The Software Revolution, Inc. (TSRI) to generate Application and Transformation Blueprints for that organization’s core business systems as a roadmap for its modernization into a modern object oriented language, platform and database management system.

Under this contract, TSRI provided the As-Is Application Blueprint of the VMS VAX Basic CBS system and a To-Be Transformation Blueprint consisting of side-by-side views of the code and the complete UML, OOA/OOD and SASDM design and architecture of the VMS VAX BASIC CBS along side its transformation into a To-Be Java system. In addition, TSRI provided engineering support services for the preparation of a transformation, re-factoring and reengineering plan to separate the legacy system user interface, business application and data access layers into a scalable N-Tier object-oriented application and convert the RMS database into an Oracle 9i RDBMS. 

Philip Newcomb, TSRI’s Chief Executive Officer said, “TSRI is one of the few, perhaps the only company in industry that actually starts the modernization process for a client by capturing the complete Transformation Blueprint® as a roadmap towards the target systems code, design and architecture. Our client’s architects using JANUS Studio® Transformation Blueprint® work with TSRI to parameterize TSRI’s automated modernization process to their individual needs. Whether we’re modernizing legacy VMS VAX BASIC and RMS database into Java/JEE and Oracle for a business system, or we’re modernizing mission critical systems such the Cobra Dane ballistic missile early warning system or the European air traffic control system, I think the message is finally getting out there. The capabilities TSRI has for modernizing legacy applications into modern object-oriented languages and application architectures, relational and network databases is second to none, and we have the unblemished published track record to prove it.”

For more information about TSRI, visit our web site or contact:

Greg Tadlock
Vice President of Sales
Phone: (425) 284-2770
Fax:     (425) 284-2785
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