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Wednesday, 10 October 2001 13:00

COBOL to C++ - NEA / Administrative Systems

The National Endowments for the Arts (NEA) Grants Management System (GMS), Financial Management System (FMIS), and Automated Panel Bank System (APBS) were unique one-of-a-kind 27-year old legacy systems written in Wang VS COBOL, running on a WANG VS Operating System, and using a WANG VS DMS database. TSRI was engaged to transform these systems into C++ and completed the project successfully in 7 months.

Customer: National Endowments for the Arts

Source & Target Language: COBOL to C++

Lines of Code: 656,000

Duration:  5 months

Services: Code Transformation, Automated Refactoring, System Integration Support, Testing Support, Transformation Blueprint ®


Published in Case-Studies