Displaying items by tag: modernization

Tuesday, 13 April 2021 12:36

Ada to C++ - US Navy - Modem Control Software

TSRI was engaged to modernize US Navy SATCOM Multi-band Terminal (NMT) Modem Control System (MCS) from Ada to C++. To provide SPAWAR with the best modernization approach, Raytheon selected TSRI to transform the existing MCS Ada code into C++ and to re-factor
the C++ toward the desired target architecture. TSRI's fixed-price "integrator ready" deliverable was selected by Raytheon for its low technical risk,
shortened schedule, and low cost.

  • Customer & Integrator: US Navy & Raytheon
  • Source & Target Language: Ada to C++
  • Lines of Code: 190,000
  • Duration:  5 months
  • Services: Automated Code Transformation, Application Blueprint®, Transformation Blueprint®, Engineering Support, Automated Refactoring

Published in Case-Studies

TSRI AWS Migration Competency Announcement

KIRKLAND, Wash., April 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Software Revolution Inc. (TSRI) announced today that it has achieved Amazon Web Services (AWS) Mainframe Migration Competency status. This designation recognizes that TSRI has proven solutions, practices, and customer success in migrating both mainframe applications and data to AWS.  

Recognizing the complexity of a mainframe migration, AWS customers seek proven methodologies, tools, and best practices to empower successful migrations. The AWS Partner Network (APN) plays a critical role in these efforts by providing access to mature technology products and services for customers’ mainframe migrations from AWS Partners with proven solutions and expertise.  

AWS launched the AWS Mainframe Migration Competency to help customers confidently identify and engage AWS Partners who specialize in mainframe migration. These AWS Partners are vetted, validated, and verified against a high bar to achieve the AWS Mainframe Migration Competency. The high bar validates and verifies that AWS Partners with AWS Mainframe Migration Competency status offer mature solutions and practices and repeatable mainframe migration success.  

Achieving the AWS Mainframe Migration Competency status differentiates TSRI as an AWS Partner with a track record of success and deep domain expertise in mainframe workloads migration. 

“With this announcement, AWS puts a stake in the ground that modernization is vital to the health and security of governments and companies worldwide. The AWS Competency program encourages higher standards and better access for organizations looking to usefully leverage cloud technologies for their clients,” said Nicolas Newcomb, President of TSRI. “TSRI is honored to achieve AWS Mainframe Migration Competency status. We look forward to supporting successful modernization journeys for more organizations than ever before.”

TSRI enables technology readiness for the cloud and other modern architecture environments quickly, accurately, and efficiently with low risk and minimal business disruption. Their model-driven methods use 99.9X% automation to modernize and migrate mainframe applications, databases, and user interfaces into multi-tier, cloud-enabled architectures. TSRI’s iterative refactoring process repairs dead code and eliminates dead ends while their automated documentation engine enables today’s developers to more completely understand their system architectures.

“TSRI differentiates itself through experience and the speed and accuracy with which they transform legacy code,” said Sumeet Shrivastava, CEO of TSRI’s integration partner Array Information Technology. “Having a reliable partner like TSRI allows the Array team to do what we do best – develop upon the foundation of the transformed code toward wider reaching client objectives.”

Systems integrator NTT DATA partnered with TSRI to modernize a 50-year-old logistics system for the U.S. Air Force. “The United States Air Force required system modernization with no loss in functionality, no loss of performance, and adherence to price and schedule,” said Paul Saladna, Associate Director and Enterprise Architect at NTT DATA. “Throughout the project, TSRI proved to be an optimal partner who delivered on-time, on-budget, and to spec. They made the modernization process easy from start to finish.” 

View the case study to learn more about how the U.S. Air Force modernized their technology with TSRI for AWS deployment.

AWS Mainframe Migration Competency Partner badge“Now more than ever, businesses are looking to migrate and modernize their mainframes with AWS. To help customers make the right choices when finding the most qualified AWS Partner for the job, we’ve created the new AWS Mainframe Migration Competency for customers to easily identify expert AWS Partners with repeatable mainframe migration success,”  said Bill Platt, General Manager, Migration Services, AWS. “These AWS Partners are vetted by AWS for their mature solutions with proven customer migration success, and we are excited to include TSRI in the launch of the new AWS Mainframe Migration Competency. We look forward to helping more customers modernize mainframes together and continuing to offer cost-effective, agile, and innovative solutions.”

Learn more about TSRI’s approach to modernizing mainframe technology for AWS.

AWS is enabling scalable flexible and cost-effective solutions from startups to global enterprises. To support the seamless integration and deployment of these solutions, AWS established the AWS Competency Program to help customers identify AWS Partners with deep industry experience and expertise.

For more information about TSRI’s technologies and the benefits of cloud migration, or to begin your organization’s modernization journey, visit www.tsri.com. 

About TSRI 

TSRI – Software Modernization Assured 

As a leading provider of fully automated software modernization services, TSRI enables technology readiness for the cloud and other modern architecture environments. We bring software applications into the future quickly, accurately, and efficiently with low risk and minimal business disruption, accomplishing in months what would otherwise take years. 

View TSRI’s software transformation case studies, or contact us to start your modernization journey today.

Greg Tadlock 
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
+1 (425) 284-2782

Published in AWS


Microservices: The Architecture that Runs the Cloud


In past decades, software applications for organizations and enterprises were built as single systems designed to fulfill multiple business needs. These applications are often referred to as monolithic due to their enormous size and cumbersome nature. In a monolithic structure, all functionalities rely upon one another, making them very difficult to update or maintain—making changes in one area can create unknown failures in others. Additionally, maintenance and upgrades can be a very heavy burden not just for the system administrators, but for the business as a whole. Entire areas within the organization are often offline for hours or even days as administrators hold their breath to make sure the new/upgraded applications don’t break something else.

networkOne of the most important architectural advances since the rise of cloud computing is microservices. Though not necessarily tiny in size, microservices offer an alternative by breaking down monolithic applications into multiple, single-purpose services that interoperate with—rather than depend on—each other. These decoupled services are highly flexible, scalable, reliable, and can run simultaneously across multiple applications.

Microservices also make processes more efficient. They have the ability to communicate with one another to make a complete system and enable teams to use agile software development practices to deliver constant, ongoing software releases rather than forcing administrators to rely on single time-intensive upgrades.

From a business perspective, microservices can fulfill customer and employee requirements on an as-needed basis to provide new services and functionality. Their efficiency often means faster time to market on new products and services, and since they can be developed independently, organizations experience reduced risk with minimal business disruption.

Preparing to Move to a Microservices Environment


When considering modernizing monolithic applications and making the move to a cloud-based microservice architecture, you must first assess, tune, and optimize your applications for a successful  effort. Consider these items when preparing for a modernization of your legacy mainframe systems to bring them up to par with today’s architectures and languages:

  • Know your systems.
  • In order to successfully modernize, understanding your existing systems is key. Obtain documentation and a detailed blueprint of your current architecture.
  • Assess the appropriate target language.
  • Microservices can be written in many different modern computing languages. Your business and operational needs can help drive this decision.
  • Understand your data model.
    How will your data interact with the microservices you build or employ, and how do you ensure that you do the appropriate due diligence to protect your own data as well as your customers’?
  • Decide on cloud vs. on-premises (private cloud) deployment.
    While cloud infrastructure becomes more secure by the day, if your systems are highly classified or include sensitive personal information, you may want to modernize to a private cloud that still allows you to employ microservices.
  • Additional considerations – automation and refactoring.

While there are many different approaches to software modernization, the most accurate, efficient, and cost-effective option is a fully automated solution. Automation provides significant advantages over manual enhancements, not the least of which is a huge reduction in risk due to the introduction of human error to the modernized application.

A fully automated modernization includes a key component known as architectural refactoring. With refactoring, the application is re-engineered to improve the modernized system’s architecture, user interface, and maintainability. This iterative process also includes the removal of dead and redundant code while improving the quality and effectiveness through each pass. The refactoring process retains the functional equivalency of the original application while making the system more flexible, microservice compatible, and ready for cloud deployment.

Getting Across the Finish Line to Microservices and the Cloud


Modernizing your monolithic applications to microservices and the cloud is no easy feat. It will take a team of experts to not only focus on the tactical modernization of the software, but also work closely with you to put your organization on the path to success. This means working to understand your existing architecture with an assessment and documentation, developing a roadmap to your target language and architecture, and finally, getting you across the finish line with a fully modernized and improved application that’s ready for microservices and the cloud. This start-to-finish partner will be an invaluable ally in your efforts.


TSRI is Here for You

As a leading provider of software modernization services, TSRI enables technology readiness for the cloud and other modern architecture environments. We bring software applications into the future quickly, accurately, and efficiently with low risk and minimal business disruption, accomplishing in months what would otherwise take years.

Get started on your modernization journey today!

Published in Cloud




KIRKLAND, WA – March 16, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE)The Software Revolution, Inc. (TSRI), a recognized leader in fully automated software modernization, marks its 25th anniversary with new partnerships and solutions to meet an urgent need for the modernization of enterprise-scale applications. As organizations face diminishing resources, technical vulnerabilities, and rising costs, TSRI enables the rapid, low-risk modernization of systems that are critical to our society’s infrastructure. TSRI has demonstrated success in the military, government, and commercial sectors while delivering a full, end-to-end solution ready for cloud architectures and continuous DevSecOps maintenance and development.

Since the 1990s, TSRI has helped organizations migrate their systems into fully modern environments, databases, and languages. Its core technology, JANUS Studio®, is a model- and architecture-driven technology suite for automatic software modernization. Now in its third generation, JANUS Studio® is an advanced framework for automated assessment, documentation, transformation, and refactoring, tied in with DevSecOps processes. TSRI modernizes where engineering teams need help the most: languages such as COBOL, PL/1, JCL, Java, C#, MUMPS, Fortran, and Ada, as well as over 35 other supported languages, databases, and user interfaces. The sophistication and versatility of the model-based approach allows TSRI to modernize applications at an enterprise scale.

“Just as the Industrial Revolution took decades to transform 19th-century society and industry, TSRI is systematically applying formal methods and artificial intelligence to continuously transform and evolve software,” Philip Newcomb, Founder, Executive Chairman, and CTO of TSRI said. “JANUS Studio® is an industrial-scale technology for highly efficient and accurate analysis and transformation of code on a vast scale. Today, with the infrastructure of our society based on software, the need to expeditiously and reliably modernize these systems is more urgent than ever. Our approach is focused on providing semantic code transformation, which has enabled us to perform rapid, low-risk automated modernization for organizations who would have otherwise been left behind.”

Client Success Story

When NTT DATA was asked to modernize the United States Air Force’s (USAF) 50-year-old legacy mainframe Integrated Logistics Systems-Supply (ILS-S) Standard Base Supply Systems (SBSS), they queried leading software modernization vendors to assist, including TSRI. USAF wanted to reduce operating costs, improve system agility, and enable full mission readiness of its bases around the world. TSRI was chosen to help NTT DATA meet the USAF’s tight-turn and proof-of-concept trial.

“For this program, the United States Air Force required system modernization with no loss in functionality, no loss of performance, and adherence to price and schedule,” Paul Saladna, Associate Director and Enterprise Architect at NTT DATA said. “Throughout the project, TSRI proved to be an optimal partner who delivered on-time, on-budget, and to spec. They made the modernization process easy from start to finish.”

The result of NTT DATA’s successful effort, with TSRI’s assistance, is a fully modernized Java system deployed in the AWS GovCloud on over 260 U.S. Air Force bases around the world, saving the client CAPEX and OPEX costs, while allowing them to remain agile to business and program needs.

See case studies.

Looking Ahead

TSRI was recently named as a launch partner for Amazon Web Services’ Mainframe Migration Competency. In late 2020, the company launched DocsRev™, a code-level-based “Documentation-as-a-Service” product that enables organizations to easily take advantage of JANUS Studio’s® documentation while reducing operational and maintenance costs. In addition, TSRI is expanding its product and services, driving toward a fully integrated, continuous cloud modernization offering with DevSecOps functionality. This framework establishes a “modernization permanence” model, with on-going support required for continuous code and security deployment.

About TSRI

TSRI – Software Modernization Assured

As a leading provider of fully automated software modernization services, TSRI enables technology readiness for the cloud and other modern architecture environments. We bring software applications into the future quickly, accurately, and efficiently with low risk and minimal business disruption, accomplishing in months what would otherwise take years.

Media Inquiries:
Rebecca MacLeod
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
+1 (206) 852-7403

Business Inquiries:
Greg Tadlock
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
+1 (425) 284-2782

Published in Press

At AWS re:Invent 2020, Amazon Web Services (AWS) unveiled plans for a new “Mainframe Migration Competency” and announced that TSRI has been identified as a launch partner! AWS recognized that TSRI’s solution — which provides near-100% automation and cloud-specific refactoring — are a huge benefit for organizations seeking reliable, low-risk, and rapid migration to the cloud. Furthermore, TSRI’s proven track record, which includes hundreds of successful modernization projects over more than 25 years, meant that TSRI would be a reliable and knowledgeable technology partner for AWS customers.



“Recognizing the complexity of a mainframe migration, our customers seek proven methodologies, tools, and best practices to empower successful migrations. The AWS Partner Network (APN) plays a critical role in these efforts by providing proven technology products and services for customers’ mainframe migrations.”


TSRI’s model-based solution transforms even very large (tens of millions of lines of code) legacy systems written in languages like COBOL, Fortran, PowerBuilder, Ada, MUMPS, VB6, and more than 30 other languages, into modern applications in cloud-native target architectures. The output is a modern multi-tier application that takes advantage of cloud utilities and scalability.

Now is the time to modernize for the cloud. According to AWS, “more than 70 percent of the Fortune 500 companies still run business-critical applications on mainframes, and many companies and institutions still possess legacy mainframes in their data centers. As a result of constantly evolving customer needs, the demand for modernization has accelerated as companies require increased agility to meet those needs.

“Due to the slow development cycle of mainframes, more companies are migrating to the cloud to enable rapid development and innovation. Furthermore, as mainframe subject matter experts retire and leave the workforce, these companies face an increasing skills gap.

“Coupled with high upgrade and development costs and expensive usage fees, CIOs with mainframes they must maintain are well aware of the business risks to their enterprise. As a result, a growing number of companies are looking to modernize and migrate their mainframe workloads to Amazon Web Services. These migrations enable companies to realize business benefits like an average 70 percent savings in IT infrastructure costs.”

See the AWS blog for more.

We’re excited to start the modernization journey with any organization looking to get off their mainframe and on to AWS! Learn more about how TSRI can help you transform your technology quickly and seamlessly, ensuring you and your application users can make the most of what cloud technologies have to offer.



TSRI is Here for You

As a leading provider of software modernization services, TSRI enables technology readiness for the cloud and other modern architecture environments. We bring software applications into the future quickly, accurately, and efficiently with low risk and minimal business disruption, accomplishing in months what would otherwise take years.

See Case Studies

Learn About Our Technology

Get started on your modernization journey today!


Published in AWS
Monday, 27 January 2020 14:19

The Business Case for Automated Modernization

Perhaps you’ve seen your competition pull ahead. Maybe your customers have become frustrated with their experience as they interact with your systems. Possibly, you’ve even experienced a security breach. You know your legacy systems need to move into the 21st century, and perhaps you’re struggling to decide how to move forward. Whether you want to face it or not, now is the time to take a hard look at modernizing your digital infrastructure.

According to salesforce.com, “while there may be a multitude of reasons for a business to undergo digital transformation, it mostly boils down to survival. Digital transformation can be risky and expensive, so it’s often a necessity for businesses that want to survive and outlast the ones that failed to evolve.”

And then there’s the expense: Daniel Newman at The Future of Work suggests that as much as 80 percent of an IT budget can be spent on maintenance. Modernizing legacy systems—even incrementally—can help a company see its capabilities leap forward by using the cloud to integrate automation into standard business processes. John Brandon at techradar.com suggests that “some of the most disruptive technologies—such as machine learning, voice bots like Amazon Alexa, and artificial intelligence—are helping to automate mundane tasks and improve how a business runs.”

These technologies run on data. In this new era of computing, the businesses that truly succeed will be the ones that put an emphasis on their data. If they haven’t already, legacy systems with limitations on their data will fall behind, especially when introducing machine learning and AI into the mix. At the same time, the data and infrastructure that have kept older systems going for so long can’t just be switched off, and freezing the systems as teams write and develop its replacement will push customers away.

Modernization effectively overcomes these risks to your organization by opening up the possibilities that an older codebase wasn't designed to handle.

“Taking inventory of what still works and what doesn’t allows companies to identify which processes are no longer relevant,” writes Newman. “Only applications deemed critical to business are then modernized; the others are simply retired, saving time and money on maintenance.”

When you decide to replace or reconfigure your legacy system, you can decide between any of these modernization options:

New Application Development. Replicate your legacy system by writing entirely new code. Your team will manually develop your new system using current coding practices with modern interfaces, and support for current technologies. This option is very expensive option, and it’s generally only usable to set a baseline for future development. You’ll incur expenses that can be as high as the original project, risk levels are similar to a typical “waterfall” project, and there are high likelihoods of time and budget overruns.

Extend/Surround. Many organizations currently opt for this method. The development teams or consultants encapsulate the legacy system in coding containers that provide APIs and tack-on integration with other systems. While the solution may work, you will have a patchwork of code, often in multiple programming languages, that gradually increases technical debt and incurs added maintenance costs. While this situation defers replacement, it will likely be costly in the long run.

COTS/SaaS. Both common off-the-shelf (COTS) solutions or cloud-based SaaS systems enable you to migrate to a less expensive and more modern architecture, but costs can easily escalate. The new system will require customization and ongoing licensing costs. Such a migration could create ripple effects on other systems and cause you to incur other costs from conforming to a completely new platform with unknown attributes.

Automated Modernization. A careful translation of code by a team of expert external engineers creates a new, modern application based upon the logic and behavior of the original. The process will include varying degrees of automation, which increases accuracy while decreasing costs. Modernization will likely incur the least risk and expense of any of these options.

Replacement of aging systems is becoming increasingly urgent, and as programmers of many of these older systems retire, replacement costs will continue to rise. An automated modernization program will likely yield the least expensive and most flexible alternative for stable, long-term performance.



TSRI is Here for You

As a leading provider of software modernization services, TSRI enables technology readiness for the cloud and other modern architecture environments. We bring software applications into the future quickly, accurately, and efficiently with low risk and minimal business disruption, accomplishing in months what would otherwise take years.

See Case Studies

Learn About Our Technology

Get started on your modernization journey today!

Standish Group, “Modernization: Clearing a Pathway to Success,” 2010

Published in Best Practices

Mainframes are big. Mainframes are powerful. Mainframes continue to run an enormous number of critical applications. Even as today’s enterprise infrastructures gravitate toward the cloud and newer languages, according to Allied Market Research, the market for mainframes will continue to grow through at least 2025 and legacy languages such as COBOL are still in wide use. The actual amount of processing performed by mainframes continues to grow steadily each year as a result of increasing demands, more users, and new applications reliant upon data stored on mainframes.

Modernize Now, Plan for the Future

While the capacity and processing power of a mainframe remains attractive to enterprise companies and governments alike, there are drawbacks: when it comes to agility, mainframes cannot quickly adjust to the needs of a business. They cannot quickly scale to meet extraordinary events. It’s difficult to integrate business-intelligence tools for non-engineers to easily access the data they need. Mainframes often don’t have the automated security tools to mitigate a security breach before it causes extensive damage.

At the same time, as each year passes, more experts that can maintain the older, legacy languages like COBOL and PL/1 are retiring. In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, the availability of programmers reached crisis proportions when overtaxed unemployment systems in some U.S. states couldn’t keep up with demand. Most younger software engineers train and work in newer, evolving languages that support web technologies and the cloud.

Still, even as many of these enterprise organizations are strongly considering moving operations and processes to the cloud, such migrations can take years, and they may not abandon their mainframes entirely. But they still need the agility, access, and security of a modern system to remain competitive.

So, what can these organizations do? They can modernize.

A modernization effort is often targeted not only at the mainframe itself, but at older language programs that run these massive machines. These programs, often written in now-archaic languages without consideration for internet connectivity or cloud computing, often need to change to meet the organization’s current needs for accessibility, customer experience, and security compliance. These requirements are universal to modernization efforts of any kind, but not all forms of modernization are adept at meeting all the requirements. The modernization strategy your organization selects needs to consider the resources you have available, your timelines, and what your ideal outcome looks like.


Choosing a Modernization Strategy

Mainframe modernization does not have to mean eliminating the mainframe. Organizations can utilize a number of different modernization strategies that meet different demands at varying cost and risk levels. Some possibilities include:

  1. Gradual integration: On an as-needed basis, organizations can use automation to modernize older applications through incremental improvement and build new applications on the mainframe that fit into a state-of-the-art computing environment.
  2. Retire, Retain, Replace, Rehost or Re-envision: An organization will assess legacy applications and systems on an individual basis and decide what should be retained, what can be rewritten, and what should be replaced with a new, modern application that can be hosted in a new environment such as the cloud.
  3. Lift and shift: Rebuild current mainframe applications on a new platform, then integrate the with mainframe applications and data sources across platforms.
  4. Automated Transformation:  A dedicated team assesses existing applications created in common languages such as COBOL or Fortran, or even less-common languages like PL/1 and MUMPS, then uses automated processes to translate the legacy application to the desired modern language (e.g., Java is a very common target). Organizations can then migrate to an upgraded mainframe or rehost them in the cloud. At the same time, a wider range of programmers can work with the modernized applications and more easily incorporate them into new databases and services.

Each approach varies depending upon business requirements, budget, and modernization schedule. Regardless, before beginning any process, an organization’s business and technical teams need to define their objectives and scope.

Gain Security & Competitive Advantage

Whether your organization is ready to move out of a mainframe environment or not, modernized code provides the security and peace of mind that your critical applications can be maintained and evolved as needed to support the business over time. As the Covid crisis and associated economic pressures have forced businesses of every size to accelerate modernizing their legacy systems, organization leaders have realized they can no longer wait to maintain their security and competitive advantage.

While some organizations may choose to do a wholesale migration, most companies and government agencies will opt to modernize using a more gradual approach. Either way – and whether an organization stays on their mainframe, moves to the cloud, or develops a hybrid solution – a modernization will ensure they can have the digital and human resources to sustain their operations far into the future.


TSRI is Here for You

As a leading provider of software modernization services, TSRI enables technology readiness for the cloud and other modern architecture environments. We bring software applications into the future quickly, accurately, and efficiently with low risk and minimal business disruption, accomplishing in months what would otherwise take years.

See Case Studies

Learn About Our Technology

Get started on your modernization journey today!

Published in Education
Tuesday, 15 September 2009 13:54

2002 - USAF Software Technology Conference


"The Software Revolution, Inc. To Participate In The U.S. Air Force's Software Technology Conference"

Kirkland, WA. (March 7, 2002) – The Software Revolution, Inc. (TSRI) will be a major participant at the upcoming Air Force-sponsored Software Technology Conference (STC) in Salt Lake City, Utah scheduled for 29 April to 2 May 2002. Located in Booth 927 of the Exhibition Hall, the senior staff of TSRI will be available throughout the week to answer questions and provide in-depth demonstrations of the eVolution 2000 TM toolset.

For those attending this important conference, it will be an excellent opportunity for a first-hand view of TSRI's automated legacy system modernization technology that is sweeping the logistics and maintenance, and operational communities within the Air Force. TSRI will be providing real-time transformation demonstrations of the Jovial, Fortran, Cobol, Assembler, Ada, and CMS2 languages into C++. It will also be an opportunity to learn about the range of contract vehicles now available to TSRI for quickly and efficiently providing support to the Air Force

eVolution 2000™ toolset

The foundation of TSRI's capabilities is the eVolution 2000™ tool-set. Through the application of state-of-the-art artificial intelligence technologies, TSRI has developed a highly automated capability (99%+) to assess, transform, re-factor, and if desired web-enable, a wide variety of application source languages, along with their associated databases. TSRI can transform Cobol, Jovial, C, Fortran, Assembler, Ada, and CMS2 into modern, platform-independent C++, JAVA, or XML (eXtended Markup Language) with CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) compatibility.

Using eVolution 2000™, TSRI can carry out sophisticated legacy software modernization in a fraction of the time and budget associated with alternative approaches. More importantly, TSRI reduces the technical and schedule risk associated with legacy system modernization by generating modernized applications and data that are fully documented and guaranteed accurate functional equivalents of the original legacy system.

For more information about TSRI, visit our web site or contact:

Greg Tadlock
Vice President of Sales
Phone: (425) 284-2770
Fax:     (425) 284-2785
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Published in Events
Tuesday, 15 September 2009 13:54

TSRI CEO Coauthors OMG Book


"TSRI CEO Coauthors Information Modernization Case Studies Book For The OMG Press"

Kirkland, WA. (October 10, 2009) – The first major publication from the Object Management Group Architecture Driven Modernization Task Force will be appearing in book stores commencing February, 2010. Published by Morgan Kaufman as part of the OMG Series, the Information System Transformation: Architecture Driven Modernization Case Studies in 400+ pages is already being heralded as the most definitive handbook of best practices for information system modernization published in more than a decade.

CTOs, CIOs and System Architects of Organizations seeking guidance in the theory, principles, disciplines, tools, scenarios and management strategies for legacy system modernization will use Information System Transformation: Architecture Driven Modernization Case Studies by Bill Ulrich and Philip Newcomb an irreplaceable handbook for guiding their modernization projects.

In contrast to the tangled IT architectures that resulted from decades of manual patches, failed replacements, and outmoded transliteration approaches, ADM is an automated approach for information system modernization that restores the vitality of legacy systems by automatically modeling and transforming them into modern languages, and modern designs and architectures without the need for manual intervention except to adjust the models and rules that carry out the automated modernization process.

This new OMG Series publication combines theory and practical guidance from lessons learned during the modernization of major mission critical systems. The European air traffic control system, the Veteran Heath Administration’s electronic health care system, Air Force logistics systems, Navy NMCI systems are just a few of the highly successful modernization projects that are the focus of the many in-depth case studies in this new book.
The outcome or a three year collaboration between Philip Newcomb, CEO of the Software Revolution, Inc and principal contributor to the ASTM, SMM and KDM standards and William Ulrich, Co-chair of the Object Management Group (OMG) Architecture-Driven Modernization Task Force (ADM-TF), Information System Transformation: Architecture Driven Modernization Case Studies is the first OMG Series publication to address architecture driven modernization (ADM).

To purchase the book (paperback) HERE
To purchase the kindle version        HERE

For more information about TSRI, visit our web site or contact:

Greg Tadlock
Vice President of Sales
Phone: (425) 284-2770
Fax:     (425) 284-2785
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Published in Press
Tuesday, 15 September 2009 13:54

TSRI Modernizes Patriot Simulator


"Raytheon Selects TSRI For Patriot Battalion Simulation Support System (BAS3) Modernization"

Kirkland, WA. (July 15, 2009) – The Raytheon Corporation (HCSC) has awarded a ‘follow-on’ contract to the Software Revolution, Inc. (TSRI) to modernize the Japanese version of the Battalion Simulation Support System (BAS3) and its Preprocessor (PRED). BAS3 and PRED are simulation programs necessary for testing, integrating and validating the Patriot tactical software coded in FORTRAN. The legacy FORTRAN BAS3 and PRED execute on a Unisys computer in a unique, legacy environment that no longer meet the needs of the Patriot modernization program.

Under the tasking of this contract award TSRI is tasked with translation and rehosting PRED and BAS3 from FORTRAN to C++ to run in the Solaris environment with GNU g++ and Wind River VxWorks. Under this contract, TSRI provided transformation, re-factoring for ‘GOTO statements elimination’ and restructured the code to make the code more maintainable, variable renaming from cryptic six (6) to C++ extended names, customization services to meet Raytheon coding standards, and engineering services to support Raytheon testing and integration. TSRI also provided a Transformation Blueprint to assist Raytheon engineers with side-by-side code and design reviews.

Greg Tadlock, TSRI’s Vice President, Sales & Marketing said, “TSRI is proud to support Raytheon’s modernization of the Patriot battalion simulation system in support the U.S. Army's anti-ballistic missile (ABM) mission in Japan. TSRI success with the Japanese Patriot for Raytheon is yet another successful example of TSRI ability to modernize mission-critical legacy system into modern object-oriented languages and platforms that are better suitable to the mission of the US military in the 21st Century.”

For more details about the Patriot battalion simulation modernization projects Raytheon, please download the SSTC presentation given by the Raytheon project manager, Gwen Bottomley on June 2007 : (Download)

For more information about TSRI, visit our web site or contact:

Greg Tadlock
Vice President of Sales
Phone: (425) 284-2770
Fax:     (425) 284-2785
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Published in Press