Displaying items by tag: Unisys DMS

Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:10

COBOL Assessment - US Airforce CAMS

The purpose of this effort was to assess the Core Automated Maintenance System (CAMS), a large high profile Air Force logistics system. This assessment was needed to provide comprehensive high-quality "As Is" functional analysis-level UML design documentation to support analysis of business processes and business rules in the system. The final deliverable was delivered on time, and consisted of over a million pages of HTML and Scalable Vector Graphic, with over a hundred million hyperlinks.

Customer: US Air Force

Source & Target Language: COBOL Assessment

Lines of Code: 3.5 Million

Duration: 6 Months

Services: Developed web-enables User Interface, Code Transformation, Transactions Flow Analyzed, Application Blueprint®



Published in Case-Studies

Using money from the Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) under the Modernizing Government Technology Act disbursed by the General Services Administration (GSA) of the U.S. government, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) sought to modernize several of its remaining critical systems on a legacy Unisys mainframe written in COBOL with a flat-file DMS-II database.

Customer: Department of Housing and Urban Development and Salient CRGT

Source & Target Language: Unisys COBOL to Java

Lines of Code: 1.3 Million

Duration:  8 Months

Services: Automated Code Transformation, Automated Refactoring, Integration and Testing Support, Enginerring Support, Software Maintenance Agreement, Transformation Blueprint®Application "As-Is" Blueprint®



Published in Case-Studies